Two 10ft Aliens have been spotted by terrified hikers on a mountain top of an idyllic Brazilian island.
The two towering extraterrestrials where filmed and photographed by eyewitness Sara Dalete when she was out hiking with her family on the beautiful island of llha do Mel.

Standing an alarming 10 feet tall Sara managed to capture the shocking footage on film as the mysterious figures moved at lightning speed down the mountain. She said that her walking party weren’t able to get close to the ‘aliens’ or communicate with them.
A spokesman from the local government of Paraná State made light of the encounter saying: “Our summer is from another world Even strange beings come to enjoy our coastline.
One local resident Marcio joked: “Wow, Peter Crouch might not be able to go camping anymore.”

Another said that if you looked closely at the images it was a real persron, perhaps with binoculars or a camera and a t-shirt tied around his head.
Allan suggested that the aliens would be saying to each other “why is there a bunch of crazy people filming us?”